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Secondary Stock & Sales Module

We have developed secondary stock and sales module in MIS. It has two input forms and one report page.

In first input form – We need to enter the Opening stock of product Qty. Opening stock is mandatory for all the products. 

In second form – we need to put

  1. Product wise Receipt Qty from Mipl,

  2. Secondary billing Qty to Bloodbank/ Subdealer,  

  3. Sales return from Bloodbank/ Subdealer with Batch No.


IT team main focus is to give user desired report in dashboard and also download in Excel.

Available reports are:

  1. Stock at Channel Partner = (Opening Stock + StockIn from MIPL+ Sales Return from Customers) - Stock Out to Customers

  2. SEQMS is “Stock Equivalent to Month Sales” ie, how many months will be needed to liquidate the current stock.

  3. Goods in transit = Total invoiced to a channel partner -  Receipt reported at Channel Partner.

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